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[미국인턴/취업][뷰티/코스메틱기업] Absolute New York | E-Commerce 부문 채용


Address: 19 Harbor Park Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050

                (24년 말에 사옥 이전예정 : 235 Pinelawn Road. Melville, NY 11747 )

Website: https://absolutenewyork.com/

“ Absolute New York was born in the vibrancy and energy of New York City, where people from everywhere come together in celebration of color, culture, and creativity. We stand for beauty innovation with a New York vibe. Our mission is to represent the diversity of New York City with people who share a passion for discovering beauty by creating on-trend, high-quality products accessible to absolutely everyone.”

Absolute New York은화장품, 스킨케어, 도구 및 액세서리에 이르기까지 필수품을 제공하는 종합 뷰티 브랜드입니다. 기초적인 스킨케어부터 다양한 코스메틱 제품을 제작하고 고품질의 제품을 생산하고 있습니다.



◾ 채용부문 : E-commerce Operations and Management

◾ 근무기간 : 12개월~

◾ 근무시간: 09:00AM ~ 18:00PM (1hr lunch)

◾ 급여 : $ 20  / an hour - Trainee 의 경우, 경력에 따라서 상향 조정 가능 

◾ 연 환산급여: 약 $41,600 / a year (주 40시간 52주 근무 기준 이며, 주말 및 공휴일 over time 근무에 따라 변동 가능)

◾ 급여 외 보상 : Medical and Dental Insurance after the probation period-Cover 100, Paid Holidays, Paid Vacation & Paid Sick 

                         Days-Bassed on the Start Date, Annual Bonus, 월/수 조식제공, 금요일 점심제공

Job Description

1. Requirements

  • Ability to adapt to changing environments and tasks 
  • Detail-oriented with a focus on accuracy
  • Bachelor’s Degree: A degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Information Technology, or a related field

2. Relevant Experience

  • E-commerce Experience: Experience in e-commerce, online retail, or digital marketing are essential
  • Experience in managing online stores, digital campaigns, or supply chain operations is particularly valuable
  • Operations Management: Experience in managing day-to-day operations, logistics, supply chain, or fulfillment processes in a retail or e-commerce environment
  • Project Management: Experience leading cross-functional teams and managing projects related to website development, customer service,  or product launches

3. Preferred Skills

E-commerce Operations and Management that specifically involve platforms like Amazon, Shopify, and brand websites

  • Amazon : Amazon Seller Central/Vendor Central, Marketplace Strategy, Advertising, Analytics, Customer Reviews and Feedback Management
  • Shopify : Sales and Promotions, SEO and Content Management, and Checkout Optimization 
  • Brand Website : Omnichannel Strategy, CRM Integration

4. Key Skills

  • E-commerce Platforms: Proficiency in using e-commerce platforms like Shopify or similar tools.
  • Data Analysis: Strong analytical skills to interpret web traffic data, and customer behavior using tools like Google Analytics, or Excel.
  • Supply Chain Management: Knowledge of inventory management, order fulfillment, and logistics
  • Customer Experience: Expertise in optimizing the customer journey, from user interface design to post-purchase support.

5. Personal Traits

  • Problem-solving Ability: Ability to quickly identify and address issues in operations or customer service.
  • Adaptability: E-commerce is fast-paced, requiring flexibility and quick decision-making.

6. Networking and Continuous Learning

  • E-commerce is an ever-evolving field; staying current with trends, technologies, and best practices is crucial. 

7. Certifications (Optional)

  • Certified E-Commerce Specialist, Google Analytics Certification


◾ 문의 신청서 제출(구글폼)

◾ 비자발급 가능 여부 검토 후 개별 전형/기업 안내 실시

◾ 전달받은 이력서 작성 후 회신(첨삭진행)

◾ 기업 서류/ 화상 면접전형 진행

◾ 합격자, 미국 스폰서기관 인터뷰 (회사-지원자 간의 보증을 해주는 미국 국무성 지정 기관, 별도 안내예정)

◾ 주한미국대사관 인터뷰 (별도 안내예정)

◾ 출국/출근


채용시 마감

㈜커리어랩스는 지원자에게 알선비나 기업 매칭에 따른 비용을 받지 않습니다.

⋇ 파견직이 아닌 「합격기업 소속」으로 근무하게 됩니다. 

⋇ 비자 발급비용은 본인부담 입니다.

☎ 지원문의: Tel. 031-8027-9060 / Email : hr@careerlabs.co.kr

✏ 신청서 제출: https://forms.gle/JDniMmJnRN39ESU56

  • 주식회사 커리어랩스
    대표자 : 김수연  전화번호 : 031-8027-9060  이메일 : hr@careerlabs.co.kr
    주소 : 경기도 하남시 미사대로520, 현대지식산업센터 2차 C동 319호, 320호
    사업자번호 : 325-87-02330  법인등록번호 : 135711-0181744

    국외유료직업소개사업 등록번호 : F1516020210001
    국내유료직업소개사업 등록번호 : 제 2023-4040228-14-5-00011 호
    평생교육시설 등록번호 : 경기도 광주하남교육지원청 제 84 호